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The inaugural theme the Literary Committee has chosen for August 2020 is “Openings.”

Committee member Rhonda Melanson describes what openings means to her:

“To define openings is to allow access, a beginning, an initial part, being declared open and ready to use, preliminary statements, a clearing, an opportunity to achieve something.

Think about stage 2 pandemic re-openings, opening up to someone or something, an opening of mind, body or spirit.  Think about the start of summer or other new beginnings.  If it is something that can be “opened” or even closed, it may have a place for this month’s theme.  You can approach this theme from these or many other angles”

Our monthly themes are just a starting block for writers, we encourage you to explore the theme as it is meaningful to you.

Learn more about Uproar here.

Submit your project here.

3 thoughts on “Openings”

  1. Must admit to being inspired to write a short piece of literature from reading the words associated with Uproar. Hope that others see this opportunity in a similar light!
    Walter Petryschuk, member of LHCA

  2. It’ll be interesting to hear some feedback/criticism’s of some of my poetry. I’ve long love Haiku because of it’s defined structure and the attention needed to selecting convincing words to convey a meaning within those constraints.
    Poetry is something I have picked up during these trying times to express thoughts.
    Good to have a spot to “air” it out. 🙂

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