Exhibit Standards

As a Community , all volunteer Art Centre, part of our responsibility is to help local artists present their work in the most professional manner possible. To this end we have written a set of standards that we feel are important.

All Art will be Juried and The Lawrence House reserves the right to refuse any work deemed not suitable. The Lawrence House also reserves the right to use images of any exhibited work on it’s website. Artists will be credited if their images are used.

Only original works and limited and numbered reproductions will be displayed. The exception to this will be original photographs.

No work will be accepted if copied from the work of other artists. Work that is done in a class or done from an online video or copied from a photograph not originating from the artist, will not be allowed. (Exception may be made when permission has been received or credit has been given to the photographer)

There may be size limitations on work, depending on the exhibition space.

All work must be listed with a price. Exceptions may be made to this for special event shows.


All 2D work must be properly framed and securely wired across the entire back of the piece. We recommend coated wire with sufficient strength to support the work. Wire should be attached approximately 1/3 of the distance from the top of the frame to avoid having the frame tilt forward. Single strand wire on heavy pieces, plastic fishing line and string are not acceptable.
Saw tooth and snap in hooks will not work with our hanging system unless the 2 D art is smaller than 12″x12″.

Please no cardboard or duct tape on the back of paintings. use only acid free materials and proper hardware to attach your work.

Unframed photographs, paintings and limited prints should be supported by acid free foam core and covered in a clear protective cover. Please no Saran wrap. Crystal Bags in Strathroy carries a huge line of wrapping materials.

We request that gallery wrapped canvases have finished edges with no visible staples.

When framing a piece, the simpler the better. Please make sure the frames and glass are clean and in good condition.


All exhibitors must complete a “Waiver of Liability” for all artwork exhibited. Insurance is the responsibility of the artist.

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