Grant rejection
Just want to hear from other poets who have had grant applications rejected.
Just want to hear from other poets who have had grant applications rejected.
Look It Up They were always there the rumors, the stories Look it up Hundreds, no Thousands of children choices expunged, futures erased Look it up thousands of children who never came home dying alone and afraid at the hands of their protectors The ones who came to save their souls Look it up They
That Which Is Not Said By Chitra Gopalakrishnan 977 words, fiction, original and unpublished Akhila, a midwife, in her small village of Pugalur in Tamil Nadu, knows of the promiscuity of making, animated, animalistic, noisy, agonizing and even violent sometimes as it is, just as she knows of the assaults of unmaking, of its unspeakable
I Won’t Tell You Where This Place Is You’re on the logging road, extracting here from where. The dump’s a steam table for the bears, all-inclusive heads below the sneeze guards. The snowploughs are berthed in the works department yard, overgrown monkey bars hard by are a tetanus factory. Here a field with wooden crosses
Uproar is pleased to present six very different responses to our theme of “Plots and Schemes”—which admittedly was not the easiest theme to work with. We thank everyone who took the time to submit a piece and hope you’ll consider submitting to our next theme. Watch for information in the coming weeks. Please scroll down to